Sunday, July 27, 2014

Proteas and their relatives, Geranium and Pelargonium show.

Proteas and their relatives.

If you happen to like Proteas it is worth considering some other members of the Proteaceae family as well.

The well known Proteas such as the King Protea do take pride of place, however Leucodendron,  Leucospermum and the lesser known Serruria are all wonderful garden plants. 

From the top we have : Leucodendron Harvest, Leucospermum cordifolium, Protea 'King White' and finally Serruria florida x rosea.

All like a sunny position and a well drained soil and will flower from mid winter through to spring. Easily pruned and very easy care.

Geraniums and Pelargoniums.

One for the diary, Australian Pelargonium & Geranium Society
Annual Spring Show 2014

Bellfield Community Hall Melways 31E4
Corner of Oriel Rd. and Banksia St Ivanhoe Vic.3081

Saturday Nov 1st 12.00pm To 4.00 pm
Sunday, Nov 2nd 9.30am To 4.00pm

$5 entry fee - includes Morning / Afternoon Tea Good Free Parking at Hall - Plants and cuttings for sale