Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Lily of The Valley

Did you know that Lily of the Valley comes in a number of forms, some with larger flowers, some with pink flowers and sone with variegated foliage.

All are easy to grow in a partly shaded position in a humus rich soil.

If its fragrance you are looking for, then Lily of the Valley can be planted near Daphne, especially D. odora, which has finished flowering when the Lily of the Valley starts.

You can read more about the varieties, and find out where to buy them on the website.


It is getting a little late in the season, however not to late to plant garlic. 

Look for named varieties such as Monaro Purple and Spanish roja (our favourite). 

All varieties taste a little different, some hot and spicy, some milder. 

The different varieties are suited to different uses in the kitchen... it is all a matter of taste.


A leafy green that you may not of seen yet, it is from Japan and has a spicy mustardy taste, easy to grow and tolerates warm climates.  The name is Misome. We can't say it is commonly available, however it is well worth looking for.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Campanula Barbara Valentine

New to Nurseries Online

Our ALL NEW mobile friendly web site is up and running, check it out for all of the latest gardening news.

Plants to Consider

Campanula Barbara Valentine is a wonderful new release, flowers late summer to autumn.
See the web site for details

Also - New Plant Catalogues for 2016 from 

Tonkins Bulbs

Riddles Creek Daffodils

Humulus Lupus a versatile climber

Do you know that Hops are ornamental climbers as well as for making beer. Great coverage in spring to summer, it dies back in winter,

Read about them at Humulus Lupus

Iochroma Wooly White

Iochroma Rainbow Lorikeets love it, so will you.

If you like to attract birds to the garden, then you will like Iochroma.

You will pleased to know that Don Teese from Yamina Collectors Nursery has a great collection of colours, including a white one.

Read more about Iochroma on the web site or give Don a call an the nursery.